Thursday, January 6, 2011

The First Month

 On November 24th, I met TR.  I honestly just thought he was hot, not actually someone that I would like.  He is an old friends roommate.  I went out DDD, and KK that night.  We were at a bar and he showed up (after KK told us how she is crushing on him..)  DDD and I were crushing too, but were soo ready to leave the bar, that we didnt bother with trying to talk to him or his friend. I was the driver that night and had to drive both KK and DDD home. I guess he texted KK telling her to tell us to stay at her/their house when we dropped her off, and that they were bringing beer and wine.  We were curious and stayed.  The boys (TR and DM) showed up, no one really talked, and it was just weird, DDD and I looked at each other and left.  Just as I dropped DDD off at her moms I got a text from TR saying that he stole my number from KK and that he'd love to hang out sometime.  We texted a bit from there and and it turned into daily texting.  He was so cute and always trying.  We hung out on a Saturday night when he invited DDD and I to go to St. Pete to a new club opening.  He was so attentive and texted me every few min giving me directions.  We first kissed that night.  Since then I have hung out with him more then not.  I've spent the night almost every night and we have sex.  He is the first guy that I actually care for since John (my ex of 4 years, who I havent been with since 2006), it's a weird feeling.  I just dont know if its a mistake..  see the thing is, I dont really care that he isnt Jewish, not educated, or even that he's been to prison (yes, I realize that those would be deal breakers for other women), what I do care about is that he isnt head over heels like I am towards him.  Is it just a guys game that makes him text the sweetest things at all hours, but then he all of a sudden knows he has you and he stops trying?  I've been "cool" about the whole situation, not showing too much, playing like i'm busy, not calling every time I think of him, and still I dont get much back.  And yet when we are together, all eyes are on me, he's always laughing having a great time, and sincerely enjoys my company.  Why is it that girls get labeled as psycho's or sycophants when they really like a guy...neither of which accurately describe me.  Is it too much to ask for a guy to text you hello every once in a while, and if he's "just not that into me", why cant he say so and stop hanging out with me??